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What To Do In A Crowded Market

What To Do In A Crowded Market

When your business or product is not unique expect to have a lot of competitors. How are you going to stand out from the crowd?

Doing gimmicks just to be noticed could bring your business harm than good.

Here in my small town we love chicken, specially letchon manok (roast chicken) and we have around more or less than 10-20  stores that sells letchon manok.

Freelance WordPress Developer

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Few months ago a new letchon manok store opened near where I live and it was convenient as we don’t have to go far.

It was a booming business as it was the first store that sells letchon manok in my area and my neighborhood is quite big.

Now few months after that new store opened another store open just across the street where the 1st store was running but it was gaining more success and getting more customers up until now, it is one of the famous letchon manok store near where I live.

What do you think happened? Why is the second store getting a lot of customers than the first store?

I have listed below things that could have something to do with it.

  • Branding
  • Recipe
  • Customer Service
  • Price
  • Customer Experience

Branding – Well the first letchon manok was the first mover so it has already establish a name for itself and did I mentioned it was a booming business, it was a success at first but sales went down when the 2nd store was put up.

Both store were selling letchon manok but the 2nd store added 1 more menu to their list and that is liempo (roasted pig’s belly i think) and the people loved it. So point one to the second store for breaking the pattern of just selling letchon manok.

Freelance WordPress Developer

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Recipe – I think everything taste almost the same, since here in our town we don’t have a lot of spices and herbs unlike other places so even if they have added something new still the basic taste is still there. So its a draw here.

Customer Service – both are quick in my opinion and how they interact with customers its fair enough, so it’s a draw here also

Price – last time I check the 1st store was selling their letchon manok for a cheaper price compare to the 2nd store. (So why not buy from them right?) Not sure who won here… Logically the cheaper price should be the winner but it doesn’t look like that at all.

Customer Experience – Now this is one of the most important factor that you should consider when opening up a business. In my opinion the 2nd store was way cleaner, more organize and feels like they care about their business.

See how I mention “FEELS like….” yes that is correct, I always buy letchon manok at the 2nd store because I feel that they care and feels like it’s clean.

As hard as we convinced ourselves about logical and rational thinking still we always act base on our current emotions “We are emotional and selfish beings…”

Let’s go back to our first question how do you stand out from the crowd?

We do that by triggering our customer’s emotion by making them feel happy, satisfied, content and this is where customer experience comes in.

Have you watch a Jollibee advertisement on T.V. or on the internet? Have you seen them promoting how good their kitchen utensils are? or something like “Here in Jollibee we have the best fried chicken because it is cook in this temperature and marinated for how many hours, or this is because we have the top chef cooking inside our kitchen”?

No we don’t see this kind of advertisement but instead we can see kids enjoying their time eating, couples having dates, friends and families laughing together and just enjoying the time and you can see them SMILING.

Disclaimer: I’m not paid to promote Jollibee or something like that..

Informing people how their fried chicken is cooked and all those stuff is logical right?

So why don’t they show you that?

Because like I said the world act base on emotion. They are trying to trigger the feeling of being happy and satisfied so that is why we can see everyone is smiling. It’s like telling us that if you go here you will have a great time and that is what people want to experience.


“Products are 25% of what you sell. The rest is an intangible feeling.” @LarockFraser

So when you build a business don’t just focus on the product itself focus on the value and experience your product or services can offer people. Invest on the experience, if most of your customers are online, invest on improving your online presence , people will share what their experience is and that is how you can influence people to buy your product or use your services.

In your own opinion how can you stand out from your competitors?

Who Am I?

I’m JF Agno a Computer Science graduate and I have been working with websites since 2009.  I build, customize, and manage WordPress sites for a living and currently aspiring to be a Web Conversion Optimizer.

I build, customize and manage WordPress sites and provide on-going customer support, fair pricing, user-friendly, browser compatible and mobile ready. I build website that work, communicate and sell.

I don't just build website I also provide Conversion Optimization. I will help you determine and create your website's objectives and get a better understanding about what your customer wants and needs so you can grow your business online.

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The Not-to-Do List: 9 Habits to Stop Now

The Not-to-Do List: 9 Habits to Stop Now

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The reason why some people increase their performance as well as success is because of not doing the bad habits which will be explained in the article. There are certain habits that you should omit in order to increase productivity in your work.

Do Not Answer Calls from Unrecognized Phone Numbers

Answering through phone from unrecognized numbers will put you into a position where you are not in the right condition to negotiate important matters. In addition, you will also be interrupted with whatever you are doing.

Do not email first thing in the morning or last thing at night

In the morning after you wake up is the busiest part of the day-not a good timing for replying emails. Replying last thing at night is not good either because your brain starts to operate again which results to insomnia.

Do not agree to meetings or calls with no clear agenda or end time

Meetings with no clear end time and agenda will often result to wasted time since your meeting topics will go to nowhere.

Do not let people ramble

Instead of asking question “how is it going” ask them “what’s up?” to give you direct to the point answer.

Do not check Email Constantly – batch and check at set times only

Be strategic when reading emails. It will disrupt your routine if you respond to email every time you check it.

Do Not Over Communicate with low-profit, high-maintenance customers

In this tip, it just proves that the surest way to failure is to try to please everybody. In every customer, rate them through an 80/20 ratio. Is it giving you 80% profit, and only 20% of your time or not?

Do not Work more to Fix Overwhelm – prioritize

Prioritizing your task will make your work easier and with lesser burden. If you do prioritize, you can better sort things out and work on the thing that are most important which can be helpful for your business.

Do not Carry A Cellphone or Crackberry 24/7

Free yourself from gadgets and other electronic devices for even a day or two. Live for the moment and you will see how good it feels.

Do not Expect Work to Fill a Void that non-work relationship and activities should

Non work related activities like parties or special occasions with loved ones should not compromise with your work. You have ample time for that during weekdays. As much as possible separate your life from work and your personal life. Remember that your life doesn’t revolve around your co-workers alone.

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Need Help With Your Websites?

Hi, I’m JF and I'm here to make sure your websites are optimized.


What Are the Most Important Test To Insure Your Website Is Perfect?

What Are the Most Important Test To Insure Your Website Is Perfect?

After creating your website you will have to do a test to make sure that everything is working properly, that all links are pointing to the right place and all graphics is at the right place where you want them to be.


JF Agno Web Analyst From The Philippines


Now here are my list of stress test that I usually do to my finish websites.


1. Link checking – I visit all links to check if they are pointing to the right page or if it is functioning.


2. Text Formatting – Test if all text in your website is formatted correctly and also check the spelling, because having text is not enough you should design your content so that it looks more interesting.


3. Consistency – Make sure that your site is consistent, though sometimes there are pages of the site that are different but at least the font size, the color scheme is consistent, I usually look at the logo what colors used and that would be my basic colors for my website.


4. Browser Compatibility – Check your site in different browsers if they are not a messed, each browser has a different default setup with the CSS so what you think that your site if good it might not be good in different browsers. (I wish there was only one browser that would make web developer’s like pretty easy)


5. Screen Resolution – Now this the latest update I have for my stress test list, I always thought that if my site is working on different browsers then I have no problem (I was wrong in thinking like that). There was still a crucial test that I should be implementing and that is screen resolution test. You will have to consider that other people will have different monitor sizes.


6. Mobile Compatibility – Since most of the people now are checking website over their phones so again we must consider mobile devices like iphone, ipad, etc (don’t know what are the names of others, but i know there are more, specially those mobile internet ready phones).


The most direct & personal way to talk to me and I do a lot of mini blog post status here

I do most of my #BeInspiredToday post here and selfies

Where I get my daily dose of foreign and local feeds, and few engagements here

How to Add a New Theme in WordPress For Beginners

How to Add a New Theme in WordPress For Beginners

Do you want to change your WordPress theme/look of your site and you don’t know how to do it? No problem I will help you.

1. Go to your WordPress dashboard and go to Appearance and under Appearance click Themes

2. After that you will see all the themes or theme installed in your site as for me i’m using elegant themes now click Install Themes

3. There are two ways you can install a theme in your site by doing a search or uploading a zip file. For the search just type in the name of the theme you want and hit search and you can use the search filter as well. For uploading a zip file what I mean about this is that for example i bought a theme and you downloaded the theme file and that file is a zip file, by using the Upload feature you can upload that file directly to the site.

And that is it if you have questions or clarifications please feel free to comment below.


Need Help With Your Websites?

Hi, I’m JF and I'm here to make sure your websites are optimized.


How To Go To Your WordPress Dashboard For Beginners

How To Go To Your WordPress Dashboard For Beginners

If your a beginner in WordPress and finally you have finished installing your WordPress on your server but the problem now is that you don’t know how to go to your WP Dashboard. Basically there are 2 ways you can access your WP Dashboard.

1. Type in wp-login.php at the end of your URL


2. Type in wp-admin at the end of your URL (I usually do this because its much shorter)


Both of these strategies will work so its a matter of choice, I just don’t know what is the advantages and disadvantages of the 2 but so far it works the same.

Need Help With Your Websites?

Hi, I’m JF and I'm here to make sure your websites are optimized.


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