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The Not-to-Do List: 9 Habits to Stop Now

by May 1, 2013

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The reason why some people increase their performance as well as success is because of not doing the bad habits which will be explained in the article. There are certain habits that you should omit in order to increase productivity in your work.

Do Not Answer Calls from Unrecognized Phone Numbers

Answering through phone from unrecognized numbers will put you into a position where you are not in the right condition to negotiate important matters. In addition, you will also be interrupted with whatever you are doing.

Do not email first thing in the morning or last thing at night

In the morning after you wake up is the busiest part of the day-not a good timing for replying emails. Replying last thing at night is not good either because your brain starts to operate again which results to insomnia.

Do not agree to meetings or calls with no clear agenda or end time

Meetings with no clear end time and agenda will often result to wasted time since your meeting topics will go to nowhere.

Do not let people ramble

Instead of asking question “how is it going” ask them “what’s up?” to give you direct to the point answer.

Do not check Email Constantly – batch and check at set times only

Be strategic when reading emails. It will disrupt your routine if you respond to email every time you check it.

Do Not Over Communicate with low-profit, high-maintenance customers

In this tip, it just proves that the surest way to failure is to try to please everybody. In every customer, rate them through an 80/20 ratio. Is it giving you 80% profit, and only 20% of your time or not?

Do not Work more to Fix Overwhelm – prioritize

Prioritizing your task will make your work easier and with lesser burden. If you do prioritize, you can better sort things out and work on the thing that are most important which can be helpful for your business.

Do not Carry A Cellphone or Crackberry 24/7

Free yourself from gadgets and other electronic devices for even a day or two. Live for the moment and you will see how good it feels.

Do not Expect Work to Fill a Void that non-work relationship and activities should

Non work related activities like parties or special occasions with loved ones should not compromise with your work. You have ample time for that during weekdays. As much as possible separate your life from work and your personal life. Remember that your life doesn’t revolve around your co-workers alone.

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