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How do we improve a website, business or ourselves?

How do we improve a website, business or ourselves?

How do we improve a website, business or ourselves?


JF Agno Website Analyst in the Philippines

Photo by JF Agno


I think the most frequently asked question when we are planning or trying to improve something, is where do we start?


And the key here is finding the right metrics to optimize…


I personally look at life this way, in order for us to be happy we need to spend time with these 5 categories

  • Spiritual 
  • Health
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Work


In each category you must specify a role you need to act on.


So for example:

Spiritual – My role would be a christian, or how to be a good christian at least.


Health – 80% of health problems is because of what we put in our mouth and 20% because of  not moving our bodies. So i just focus 80% on eating right and 20% on staying active. If you want to be healthy eat right, if you want to be fit you exercise.


Family – Here I have many roles as a son, a husband, and now a father. 


Friends – I just try to be someone my friends can trust and share their problems and happiness.


Work – I’m a Junior Website Analyst, I specialised in Conversion Optimization. When I optimize a website for conversion I only focus on metrics that helps provide me answers to questions I need.


Now the secret here is time, how you distribute your time to all of these roles under each category that I just mentioned is key to make this work and I believe that if you spend time to all these categories you will have a great life.



The most direct & personal way to talk to me and I do a lot of mini blog post status here

I do most of my #BeInspiredToday post here and selfies

Where I get my daily dose of foreign and local feeds, and few engagements here

It Is Not Over Until I Win

It Is Not Over Until I Win

It is not over until I win…


JF Agno Web Analyst From The Philippines

Photo by Jake Ingle


One of the best motivational speech I have heard. 

It talks about not quitting until you get what you deserved.

Yes there will be obstacles in life that will hinder you from achieving your dreams but having the mindset of a winner that it is not over until I win.

Hope this inspires you today.



The most direct & personal way to talk to me and I do a lot of mini blog post status here

I do most of my #BeInspiredToday post here and selfies

Where I get my daily dose of foreign and local feeds, and few engagements here

Publishing A Website Online Is Just The Beginning

Publishing A Website Online Is Just The Beginning

What do high converting websites do differently than the rest?


JF Agno Web Analyst From The Philippines


It is rapid experimentation.


Did you really think that publishing a website online is the end of everything?

That you will just wait for progress to develop or wait for customers to come in?

In that case, let me be frank.


You are wrong with this mindset…


Publishing a website online is just the beginning, you need to measure your visitors engagements and get insights from those data.

I started to adapt the Lean Startup Methodology or Loop which is;


You build something out of an idea…

So for example you want to have a website for you business. So you brainstorm some ideas for the website and when everything is in place you start with the design and development stage.


Measure visitors engagements on the website…

So you already have a website published live now, what is next is that you need to track user engagements, you need to know who are visiting your website, where are they coming from and how does your visitors use your website.


Learn from your websites analytics…

When you track your visitor’s engagements you have data, now it is time to get insights from the data collected. Don’t just look for any data you need data that make sense to you and to your website goal.


If you see that your visitors are not doing the action you want them to do on your website then something is wrong. You need to run heuristics analysis and web analytics analysis to confirm.

Once you found out the issue, you create hypothesis and then run a experiment to confirm that your hypothesis is correct or not.


More reading:


The most direct & personal way to talk to me and I do a lot of mini blog post status here

I do most of my #BeInspiredToday post here and selfies

Where I get my daily dose of foreign and local feeds, and few engagements here

Worry Less and Focus More

Worry Less and Focus More

Stop worrying about running out of money and focus on how to make more.

JF Agno Web Analyst From The Philippines

When bad things happened we worry about it and then we get scared thinking about it.

When we worry we lose sight of the good things in life and we can’t think clearly and then we focus on self preservation.

What is worry about ?

“Worry is described as a response to a moderate challenge for when the subject has inadequate skills.” Source 

What this means is that when you have skills that people need, then there’s nothing you need to worry about.

We exercise and train our bodies to be healthy and strong…

We eat good food to be healthy…

We always run maintenance on our cars to keep the engine running smoothly…

We always upgrade our computers to be more faster…

But we don’t do anything about our brain to improve ourselves.

When I was a kid, I watched this movie Small Soldiers, there was a line there that really stuck with me for a long time up until now.

It is where Major Chip Hazard said “A mind is a terrible thing to waste” while pulling the chip out of another small soldier.

And it is so true…

Right after we graduated most of us stop learning new things, heck when was the last time you read a book? or learn a new skill?

What I’m trying to say is that nobody will invest in you, if I don’t invest in yourself  first.

If this post wast helpful, please share it to someone you needs to read this.


The most direct & personal way to talk to me and I do a lot of mini blog post status here
I do most of my #BeInspiredToday post here and selfies
Where I get my daily dose of foreign and local feeds, and few engagements here

Is Working Hard The Key To Financial Stability?

Working Hard

Photo by Aaron Thomas

Is Working Hard The Key To Financial Stability?


Does working hard make your rich?


Gives you freedom?

Last March 29-30 of 2018 it was a national holiday here in my country the Holy Week or Semana Santa. So me and the family agreed to stroll and drive by Mt. Apo National Park and explore nature.

While I was driving I saw this farmer carrying one sack of carrots on his back walking uphill and at the same time I saw another farmer carrying two sacks of carrots but he has a horse to help him carry.


It got me questioning, between the two farmers, who is working hard?


Another story I want to share is from an acquaintance of mine, he told me that he can’t believe his eyes when he saw one of his classmate way back in high school driving the latest model of his favorite car.


“How can that be?” He said…


He was not the smartest of the class and to be honest I’m much smarter than him 10x, so why does he has that car and I don’t have one

By this time I came to realized that working hard won’t make you rich and being the smartest won’t either.


So how?

Well I don’t know, but here is what I would do Instead of saying don’t work hard, work smart or vice versa. Why not do both?


Let me clarify…

In order for me to be good at something, I need to put in the work and when I say put in the work I really need to grind and hustle hard, as Charlie Munger said “To get what you want, you have to deserved what you want.”

Nothing is for free, so you have to sacrifice something to get something in return, maybe I could sacrifice an hour or two from watching movies and start studying, or I could just check my social media accounts once per day and focus on the task at hand.

Always sacrifice the things in your life that doesn’t add value to you, so don’t go sacrificing your family, friends, health, work, or your relationship with God for anything less.


Trust me, it’s not worth it…


Once you already mastered the skills you want, your next goal should be how can I produce the same results with minimal effort? You need to work smartly about this if you don’t, you end up burning yourself.


My conclusion

Don’t believe all the quotes you heard about working smart than working hard or don’t work hard, work smart. They don’t provide you enough context.

Always remember that you need to work hard and put in the effort to get what you want in life and after that you need to be smart enough to determine how can you get the same results with minimal effort.


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The most direct & personal way to talk to me and I do a lot of mini blog post status here
I do most of my #BeInspiredToday post here and selfies
Where I get my daily dose of foreign and local feeds, and few engagements here

All the time in the World

All The Time In The World | JF Agno Web Analyst in the Philippines

What if you had all the time in the world?


All the time in the world, What does it mean?

Additional hours on top of your 24 hours?

To be honest I don’t have any idea. It’s a very hard topic to discuss, as there is no way that you can have more time than the 24 hours you have now.

So what does it really mean to have all the time in the world?

For me, what it means is freedom. When you have freedom you have all the time in the world.

Determine what you can outsource to others to free up your time

Our goal should be to find a way to produce the same results with minimal effort.

How do you do that?

That is by delegating or outsourcing some of your minimal work, so you can focus on what matters most to you.

I used the 4 Burners Theory as my reference and optimized it to my advantage.

Out of the 4 burners the only thing I can delegate is work. There is no way I can delegate my health to someone else or even outsource my social interactions with my friends and family.

I neglected my health and it crushed me mentality and physically.

It is so true that health is wealth, but I learned this lesson the hard way. Not taking care of your health is the surest way to lose everything including time.

In order to have freedom to do everything you need to do in life you need to be healthy.

In order for me to spend quality time with my family, to run and play with my son, to grow old with my wife and show her how much I loved her, to enjoy talking with my friends, to work on the things I loved, and to participate in religious activities, I need to be healthy.



What it means to have all the time in the world is freedom to do the things you loved and in order to enjoy your freedom is by getting and staying healthy.


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The most direct & personal way to talk to me and I do a lot of mini blog post status here
I do most of my #BeInspiredToday post here and selfies
Where I get my daily dose of foreign and local feeds, and few engagements here

Fear Not The Future

Fear Not The Future

Need Help With Your Websites?

Hi, I’m JF and I'm here to make sure your websites are optimized.

You can also send me an email, by filling out the form below.

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My Google Analytics View Setup

My Google Analytics View Setup

If you are just starting out with Google Analytics it is important to categorize your data by views.

Here is how I setup my views:

All Web Site Data – When you create an account in Google Analytics this is the default view. Don’t do anything here and just create the next view

Main Report – This view will hold all my filters, segments, and goals. This is where I analyse data and formulate hypotheses from it.

Test Data – This is where I test all settings specially filters and once everything is working that is the time I’m going to implement it to the Main Report

Always remember we want to have accurate data so we need to test our filters or settings on a separate view before implementing it on the Main Report view.

Need Help With Your Websites?

Hi, I’m JF and I'm here to make sure your websites are optimized.

You can also send me an email, by filling out the form below.

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What It Takes To Be A Leader

What It Takes To Be A Leader

A good leader can choose the best response to any situation, his/her attitude towards a problem is what separates a good leader to the best leader.

We don’t have time to get emotional about everything though we are still human and we get hurt, pressured and stress but as much as possible we snap out of being emotional and face situations rationally and logically.

Inspired by:

Need Help With Your Websites?

Hi, I’m JF and I'm here to make sure your websites are optimized.

You can also send me an email, by filling out the form below.

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