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Is It Possible To Learn Without Making Mistakes?

Is It Possible To Learn Without Making Mistakes?

We always been told that we should learn from our mistakes as that will make us grow and develop a strong character.

If the only way to learn is to have mistakes, why in our schools, if we make mistakes we are called stupid or in a corporate setup if we make mistakes we could get fired.

We don’t want to be called stupid or get fired, so as much as possible we make fewer mistakes, does that mean we are not learning?

Learn from the mistakes of others

I can’t remember if Warren Buffet or Charlie Munger said this quote that you don’t have to make all of the mistakes, you can learn from the mistakes of others.

And that is so true, we only have a limited time here on Earth and we need to learn quickly as much as possible and enjoy this world’s got to offer.

Grow your website by learning from your competitors mistakes

Do not copy everything you see from your competitors, as whatever works for them might not work for you. All strategies were created to fix their problem not yours.

So how can we utilize your competitor’s mistakes? You need to run a conversion research on your website and your competitors as well, so you can determine what strategy will work for your website and what not.

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Hi, I’m JF and I'm here to make sure your websites are optimized.

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Why Having Problems Make You Grow?

Why Having Problems Make You Grow?

Ask anyone you know if they have problems and 10 out of 10 they would say “Yes I have”

So why are we afraid of having problems? When we hear the word “problem” we get all stressed out, agitated and we get a little bit emotional, because problems are sometimes connected to feeling pain and we don’t want to feel pain.

There is a good advantage of having problems and that is growth.

Most problems are disguised as opportunities and that’s how we should look at it.

In website conversion optimization the main objective is to look for problems within your website and fix those problems.

To be able to grow we need to solve problems, the more problems we solve the more likely we can grow faster.

Some problems that you need to solve in your website are

  1. Who are visiting my website?
  2. Where are they coming from?
  3. What are they doing on my website?
  4. Why is my website not getting any clients or customers?

If you have those problems, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me now. We can only answer those questions by doing conversion research and by knowing not by guessing.

Need Help With Your Websites?

Hi, I’m JF and I'm here to make sure your websites are optimized.


Follow Your Standards

Follow Your Standards

JF Agno WordPress Developer

Photo by Tim Stief on Unsplash

If you try to please everyone, you’ll please no one. Don’t do things for the sake of others, do it for yourself, do it because it makes you happy.

I’ve come to realize that what makes me happy is when my standards are met. So if i’m going to give an advice about achieving happiness then I would say “Follow Your Standards”.

Your standards must be within the range of your competence or even feasible to you. You can raise or lower your standards depending on the situation your in.

Need Help With Your Websites?

Hi, I’m JF and I'm here to make sure your websites are optimized.


Why Your Visitors Leave Your Site?

Why Your Visitors Leave Your Site?

Have you ever experienced visiting a website that you don’t know what to do there, or to whom this website is for, or what the website is about, so you get frustrated and decided to leave.

I think it’s pretty obvious what happened here.

There are 3 reasons why your visitors lost interest with your website

  • They were confused
  • No clear value proposition
  • To much friction

There are many factors but clear these 3 reasons I mentioned and you are on the right path

They were confused…

JF Agno Website Optimizer

Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

Personally when I checked a website I want to know, what is this website about, what can I do here, and is this for me? And I want to get those answers within 5-10 seconds the moment I visit the website. So website speed is crucial here.

Each page of your website should guide your visitors to your website’s objectives so have a call to action in place

No clear value proposition…

JF Agno WordPress Developer

Photo by Gem & Lauris RK on Unsplash

A website’s only purpose is to communicate, if it doesn’t communicate with your visitors then something is wrong with your website. I highly advice you run an website analysis.

Now what should your website communicate?

It should communicate value, what can your website do for me, how is it beneficial to me. Remember, everyone that visits your website has a problem and you need to provide the solution.

Problem -> Provide Solutions = Value (ding ding)

You need to formulate a value proposition, or a promise of value to be delivered.

In short an offer.

There are no right way to construct a value proposition but always strive for clarity first that it can be understand in 5 seconds. Your value proposition should be clear, what is it, for whom, and how useful it is.

To much friction…

JF Agno Website Consultant

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Friction can cause a major issue on a website for example, a visitor is ready to buy a product but the checkout process is buggy, or when someone wants to subscribe to your website but on your subscription form requires them to enter sensitive information like credit card information or an address and this can raise a red flag.

Basically frictions are things that cause frustration, uncertainty, and doubts from your visitor. Your website should be free from any technical and functionality errors, nothing is more frustrating than seeing a broken image or links and buttons not working, so make sure everything is functional and error free.

Need Help With Your Websites?

Hi, I’m JF and I'm here to make sure your websites are optimized.


Live With A Purpose

Live With A Purpose

JF Agno - Website Consultant in the Philippines

Photo by Tom Parsons on Unsplash

Yesterday I attended my wife’s meeting for a program they were running here in our small town in Bansalan. It was a program catered for the poor which will help the government determine what projects would benefit the people and easily segment those data for better accuracy.

And in the meeting I was reminded about what happened last year around December of 2017, where few of the enumerators suggested they will be helping selected households that really needs assistance specially with food supplies.

My wife spearheaded the small event and since I’m a ever supportive husband I helped prepare as well.

We saw the pictures of the families that the enumerators helped and it was so heartbreaking and to be honest my bathroom was bigger than their house.

It was fulfilling and it felt good inside helping someone in need…

We sometimes have second thoughts about giving something of ours and that is because of self preservation. We humans are selfish in nature and that is no longer a surprise to me.

Each one of us has a purpose, you have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.

Need Help With Your Websites?

Hi, I’m JF and I'm here to make sure your websites are optimized.


#1 Skill You Need To Learn Working Remotely Online

#1 Skill You Need To Learn Working Remotely Online

In making sure your website is optimize, there’s a lot of processes that are being done in the background or a lot of hats to wear if you are running solo.

By default I use the LEAN Startup Methodology as my go to process


I Learn about your website by doing conversion research, which involves a lot of strategy and techniques from doing Heuristic Analysis, Analytics Analysis, Surveys, and a lot more.


After doing the conversion research it is time to Build hyphotheses base on what I have learned from your website and implement those on the website.


The last step is I measure visitors’ engagements on your website, we need to know what they are doing on your website and what is their behavior when they are on your website.

“If it can be measured, it can be improve”

So like I said a lot of things running in the background, but one thing I’ve learned is that, communication is still the best tool you can use to keep everyone in the loop.

As we work remotely online, communication is a must learn skill to survive.

Need Help With Your Websites?

Hi, I’m JF and I'm here to make sure your websites are optimized.


Conversion Uplift is a Dividend of Experiments

Conversion Uplift is a Dividend of Experiments

JF Agno Website Consultant

Conversion uplift is a dividend of experiments. The more experiment you make the more conversion uplift you get.

In our world today, the one who does a lot of experiment wins.


Why is that?


That is because things just don’t stay the same forever, nothing remains static.

The world is in constant change and in order for us to survive we have to adapt to change. The same goes to our websites, we need to constantly adapt to change in visitors behaviour so that we can still communicate our value clearly to them.

Need Help With Your Websites?

Hi, I’m JF and I'm here to make sure your websites are optimized.