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Why Your Visitors Leave Your Site?

by May 5, 2018

Have you ever experienced visiting a website that you don’t know what to do there, or to whom this website is for, or what the website is about, so you get frustrated and decided to leave.

I think it’s pretty obvious what happened here.

There are 3 reasons why your visitors lost interest with your website

  • They were confused
  • No clear value proposition
  • To much friction

There are many factors but clear these 3 reasons I mentioned and you are on the right path

They were confused…

JF Agno Website Optimizer

Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

Personally when I checked a website I want to know, what is this website about, what can I do here, and is this for me? And I want to get those answers within 5-10 seconds the moment I visit the website. So website speed is crucial here.

Each page of your website should guide your visitors to your website’s objectives so have a call to action in place

No clear value proposition…

JF Agno WordPress Developer

Photo by Gem & Lauris RK on Unsplash

A website’s only purpose is to communicate, if it doesn’t communicate with your visitors then something is wrong with your website. I highly advice you run an website analysis.

Now what should your website communicate?

It should communicate value, what can your website do for me, how is it beneficial to me. Remember, everyone that visits your website has a problem and you need to provide the solution.

Problem -> Provide Solutions = Value (ding ding)

You need to formulate a value proposition, or a promise of value to be delivered.

In short an offer.

There are no right way to construct a value proposition but always strive for clarity first that it can be understand in 5 seconds. Your value proposition should be clear, what is it, for whom, and how useful it is.

To much friction…

JF Agno Website Consultant

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Friction can cause a major issue on a website for example, a visitor is ready to buy a product but the checkout process is buggy, or when someone wants to subscribe to your website but on your subscription form requires them to enter sensitive information like credit card information or an address and this can raise a red flag.

Basically frictions are things that cause frustration, uncertainty, and doubts from your visitor. Your website should be free from any technical and functionality errors, nothing is more frustrating than seeing a broken image or links and buttons not working, so make sure everything is functional and error free.

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