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Stop worrying about running out of money and focus on how to make more.

JF Agno Web Analyst From The Philippines

When bad things happened we worry about it and then we get scared thinking about it.

When we worry we lose sight of the good things in life and we can’t think clearly and then we focus on self preservation.

What is worry about ?

“Worry is described as a response to a moderate challenge for when the subject has inadequate skills.” Source 

What this means is that when you have skills that people need, then there’s nothing you need to worry about.

We exercise and train our bodies to be healthy and strong…

We eat good food to be healthy…

We always run maintenance on our cars to keep the engine running smoothly…

We always upgrade our computers to be more faster…

But we don’t do anything about our brain to improve ourselves.

When I was a kid, I watched this movie Small Soldiers, there was a line there that really stuck with me for a long time up until now.

It is where Major Chip Hazard said “A mind is a terrible thing to waste” while pulling the chip out of another small soldier.

And it is so true…

Right after we graduated most of us stop learning new things, heck when was the last time you read a book? or learn a new skill?

What I’m trying to say is that nobody will invest in you, if I don’t invest in yourself  first.

If this post wast helpful, please share it to someone you needs to read this.


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